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Department of Spatial Planning

Quantitative and qualitative gendered time-use in travel-based multitasking (2021-2024)

Project Objectives

The project aimed to unravel men's and women's travel based multitasking to gain a deeper understanding of time use during travel. This includes the following steps:

  1. The relevant theories on gender dimensions in travel-related multitasking (work-related travel, care-related travel, and leisure travel) were examined to develop key hypotheses.
  2. The association between travel based multitasking and various factors (job, travel attributes, gender roles, interpersonal interactions) was analysed to understand the gendered time use in travel based multitasking.
  3. The subjective feeling of time use with respect to job-related travel was explored.



The project used descriptive statistics, multiple regression modelling and logit modelling (binary and multinomial logit) to analyse the Geman nationwide time use surveys (GTUS).


The project results include ample empirical details. These intersect gender with commuting behaviour, travel time use, travel experiences, and work-family balance. The findings contribute to understand how gender shapes commuting, activity patterns and travel time use, and related factors - including spatial attributes, socioeconomic status, demographics, travel behaviour, non-travel time use, and work-life balance. These insights provide valuable perspectives on other life domains (leisure, unpaid and paid work), travel satisfaction and flexible work arrangements. They contribute to both theoretical and methodological development of research on gender perspectives in travel multitasking.



Funding:                                  German Research Foundation

Grant no.:                                SCHE 1692/5-2

Project start and end:        February 2021 – September 2024

Contact:                                   Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner, joachim.scheinertu-dortmundde 
                                                    Telefon ++49 / (0) 231 755 4822

                                                    Dr. Bhuvanachithra Chidambaram, bhuvanachithra.chidambaramtu-dortmundde



Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2023): The gender dimensions of travel time use in Germany. In: European Transport Research Review 15(1).

Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2024): Do men and women differ in time-use? Analysing the complexity of activity patterns in Germany. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 24, 101077.