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Department of Spatial Planning

Everyday life in the context of changing gender relations: activities, trips, travel modes and time use (2009-2016)

Project goals

The project examines the question as to whether changes in gender relations are reflected in the daily routines of women and men. The context is set up by the discourse on changing gender relations in the social sciences and the gender debate in planning. The project aims to contribute to these debates by focussing on gender-specific responsibilities for out-of-home activities, the trips required for these activities, and the time budgets necessary. Four questions are at the centre:

  1. Which gender-specific differences in activity patterns, time budgets and travel behaviour can be found empirically over and above mere differences between men and women, when gender is understood as a complex social category?
  2. Which trends over time (including trends, cohort effects, structural breaks) can be found for the period 1976 to 2008, in which gender relations have changed substantially?
  3. Which types of gender-specific division of work do exist in terms of activity patterns, time budgets and travel demand (e.g., 'traditional', 'egalitarian', 'reversed role pattern')? How frequent are the types?
  4. Which effects do biographical key events (such as the birth of a child, entry into the labour market, or retiring) have on the gender-specific allocation of tasks in partnerships?


The project is based on descriptive and multivariate statistical procedures. The data used are national household surveys of travel behaviour, including KONTIV/Mobility in Germany 1976, 1982, 1989, 2002 and 2008, and the German Mobility Panel 1994 to 2008. The former is a repeated cross-sectional random day survey. The latter records travel behaviour over a whole week in three consecutive years for each responding household.

The project was executed at the transport research group, Department of Spatial Planning.


German Research Foundation (DFG)

Funding code: HO 3262/4-2

Project start and end: Juli 2009 bis Dezember 2016


Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner, joachim.scheinertu-dortmundde, Tel.: ++49 (0)231 755-4822



Scheiner, Joachim / Holz-Rau, Christian (2017): Women's complex daily lives: a gendered look at trip chaining and activity pattern entropy in Germany. In: Transportation 44(1), S. 117-138. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-015-9627-9

Scheiner, Joachim (2016): School trips in Germany: gendered escorting practices. In: Transportation Research A 94, S. 76-92.

Konrad, Kathrin / Scheiner, Joachim / Holz-Rau, Christian (2016): Pkw-Nutzung im Wandel des Geschlechterverhältnisses – Ressourcenumverteilung und veränderte Routinen. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 74(4), S. 307-321.

Konrad, Kathrin (2015): Wandel des Geschlechterverhältnisses – Wandel der Mobilität. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Scheiner, Joachim (2016): Randwanderung, Pendeln und Geschlecht in einer polyzentralen Region. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 74(2), S. 117-134.

Scheiner, Joachim (2014): The gendered complexity of daily life: effects of life-course events on changes in activity entropy and tour complexity over time. In: Travel Behaviour & Society 1(3), S. 91-105.

Scheiner, Joachim (2014): Gendered key events in the life course: effects on changes in travel mode choice over time. In: Journal of Transport Geography 37, S. 47-60.

Sicks, Kathrin / Scheiner, Joachim / Holz-Rau, Christian (2014): Born to shop? Gender-specific activity travel in Germany. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Paris, April 2014.

Scheiner, Joachim (2013): Gender roles between traditionalism and change: Time use for out-of-home activities and trips in Germany, 1994-2008. In: Gerike, Regine / Hülsmann, Friederike / Roller, Katrin (eds.): Strategies for Sustainable Mobilities: Opportunities and Challenges. Farnham: Ashgate. S. 79-102.

Scheiner, Joachim (2013): Die dunkle Stadt: Geschlecht, Mobilität und subjektive Sicherheit. In: Scheiner, Joachim / Blotevogel, Hans-Heinrich / Frank, Susanne / Holz-Rau, Christian / Schuster, Nina (Hrsg.): Mobilitäten und Immobilitäten: Menschen – Ideen – Dinge – Kulturen – Kapital. Dortmunder Beiträge zur Raumplanung 142. Essen: Klartext. S. 217-232.

Sicks, Kathrin / Scheiner, Joachim / Holz-Rau, Christian (2012): Aktivitätsmuster und Verkehrsmittelnutzung von Frauen und Männern: Trends von 1976 bis 2008. In: Straßenverkehrstechnik 56(5), S. 281-287.

Scheiner, Joachim / Holz-Rau, Christian (2012): Gendered travel mode choice: a focus on car deficient households. In: Journal of Transport Geography 24, S. 250-261.

Scheiner, Joachim / Holz-Rau, Christian (2012): Gender structures in car availability in car deficient households. In: Research in Transportation Economics 34(1), S. 16-26.

Scheiner, Joachim / Sicks, Kathrin / Holz-Rau, Christian (2011): Gendered activity spaces: trends over three decades in Germany. In: Erdkunde 65(4), S. 371-387.