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Department of Spatial Planning

Urban development

Katja Schimohr

Campus Adresse

TU Dortmund University | Department of Spatial Planning
South Campus; GB I
Room 302


Phone: (+49) 231 755-4815

E-Mail: katja.schimohrtu-dortmundde

Office hours: by appointment

© Uwe Grützner

More information

  • 2013 – 2018 Studies of Spatial Planning (B.Sc.) at the TU Dortmund University
  • 2018 – 2020 Studies of Spatial Planning (M.Sc.) at the TU Dortmund University
  • 2018 – 2021 Studies of Statistics (B.Sc) at the TU Dortmund University
  • 2015 – 2021 Student assistant/scientific assistant at the Department of Spatial Information Processing and Modeling, Faculty of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University
  • Seit 2021 Research assistant in the project STAWAL - Urban Structure, Residential Location Choice and Everyday Mobility
  • Empirical Mobility Research
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Collection and analysis of panel data

Schimohr, Katja; Doebler, Philipp; Scheiner, Joachim (2022): Prediction of Bike-sharing Trip Counts: Comparing Parametric Spatial Regression Models to a Geographically Weighted XGBoost Algorithm. Geographical Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/gean.12354

Bauer, Uta; Frank, Susanne; Gerwinat, Verena; Huber, Oliver; Scheiner, Joachim; Schimohr, Katja; Stein, Thomas; Wismer, Annika (2022): Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wohnstandortwahl und Alltagsmobilität. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und kommunale Praxis. Arbeitspapier im Rahmen des STAWAL-Projekts. Working Paper 01. Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu). Berlin. Online verfügbar unter

Schimohr, Katja; Scheiner, Joachim (2021): Spatial and temporal analysis of bike-sharing use in Cologne taking into account a public transit disruption. Journal of Transport Geography 92. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103017