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Department of Spatial Planning

Urban development

Campus Adresse

TU Dortmund University | Department of Spatial Planning
South Campus; GB I
Room 319


Phone: (+49) 231 755-4167

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Office hours: by appointment

© Uwe Grützner

More information

  • 2021- 'Co-Investigator', Knowledge Collaborator Quantitative and Qualitative Gendered Time Use in Path-related Multitasking. (actual)
  • 2017-2020, Research Associate, Project DFG ""Gender Commuting Activity Patterns", TU Dortmund University, Germany
  • 2011-2016,  Research Associate, Project BMBF Project Work 'Climate and Energy in a Complex Transition Process towards Sustainable Hyderabad' HU Berlin
  • 2014-2015, Research Associate Project MEFUL (Aircraft Emission, TU Dresden).
  • 2010-2015- Doktorarbeit Projekt BMBF,“ Vehicle emission reduction- An experimental approach for analysing sustainable traffic strategies“ (PhD Doktorarbeit), HU Berlin
  • travel time use in everyday mobility
  • ageing, travel satisfaction and wellbeing
  • gender-specific mobility- safety, commute behaviour and multitasking
  • traffic behavior, traffic policy, urban mobility
  • traffic planning, road planning
  • vehicle emission reduction, climate change and transport
  • Empirical methods : Experimentaller Anstaz

Teaching at TU Dortmund University:

  • 2019 - 2022, Module "Transport and Inequalities", M.Sc. Spatial Planning, Faculty of Spatial Planning.

Publication list (Journal)


  • Chidambaram, B., Scheiner, J., 2024. Do men and women differ in time-use? Analysing the complexity of activity patterns in Germany. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 24, 101077.



  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra. (2022): TRAWEL: A Transportation and Wellbeing Conceptual Framework for Broadening the Understanding of Quality of Life. In: Wac, K., Wulfovich, S. (eds) Quantifying Quality of Life. Health Informatics. Springer, Cham. 


  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2021): Leisure Quality among German Parents—Exploring Urbanity, Mobility, and Partner Interaction as Determinants. Sustainability 2021,13, 5883. DOI:10.3390/su13115883 
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2021): Work-Trip Mode Choice in Germany – Affected by Individual Constraints or by Partner Interaction? Travel Behaviour and Society 24 (1. Juli 2021): 231–44. DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2021.04.007


  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2020): Understanding relative commuting within dual-earner couples in Germany. In: Transportation Research Part A 134, 113-129.


  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2019): Understanding commuting behavior between partners. In: Transportation Research Procedia 41, 376-379.

Other  publications:

  • Chidambaram, B., (2021). Measuring transport equity, edited by Karel Martens, Floridea Di Ciommo, Ariane Dupont-Kieffer, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019, 328 pp., ISBN: 978-0-12814-818-1. Transport Reviews, 23. September 2021, 1–2. (Book review)
  • Chidambaram, B., (2020). Quality of Life and Daily Travel, by Margareta Friman, Dick Ettema, Lars E. Olsson. (Eds.). 2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. ISBN. 978-3-319-76622-5. J. Transp. Geogr. 83, 102669. (Book review)
  • Chidambaram, B., (2014).. Small economic incentives don’t encourage public transport. Deccan Chronicle.(Magazine article)
  • Chidambaram, B., (2013). Infrastructure - The Social Value of Shared Resources, by Frischmann, B.M. (2012). Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. Int. J. Commons 7, 230–231.  (Book review)



  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra (2022): Exploring the activity pattern complexity in Germany, Bridging Transportation Engineers (BTR) conference. Aug 1-5, 2022 (Online).
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra/ Scheiner, Joachim (2022): Exploring the effects of travel and non-travel time use on travel pleasantness -Evidence from Germany, 17. Jahrestagung des AK Mobilität und Verkehr, Department für Geographie der LMU München, June 29-July 1.
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra/ Scheiner, Joachim (2022): Feeling unpleasant in daily activities – Exploring the effects of travel and non-travel time use in Germany, 10th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), June1-3, 2022, Leuven, Belgium
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2022):? Event 1069: Through the Looking Glass of Gender Issues: Mobility Challenges Across the World; Women and Gender in Transportation (AME20), TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13 January 2022, Washington, DC
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2022): Travel-based Multitasking in Germany: Does Gender Matter in Travel Time Use? Event 1069: Through the Looking Glass of Gender Issues: Mobility Challenges Across the World; Women and Gender in Transportation (AME20), TRB 101st Annual Meeting, 9-13 January 2022, Washington, DC
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra (2021): Gender dimensions in travel time use and activity satisfaction, der 5.mFUND -Konferenz des BMVI 2021-Mit Dateninnovationen zur Mobilität der Zukunft, Workshop Nr. 4: Von europäischen Projekten lernen – Erhebung und Einsatz genderspezifischer Daten in der Mobilität, 19-20 October 2021
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra (2021): Gendered commuting and activity patterns: A cross-sectional German study, AET COVID19 Conversations Webinar – Is the Pandemic increasing the gender mobility gap? Association for European Transport, 4 March 2021.
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra/ Scheiner, Joachim (2021): Gendered patterns of work trip mode choice-evidence from Germany, hEART European Association for Research in Transportation, February 3-4, 2021 Lyon, France
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra. (2020): Gendered commuting and complexities of activity patterns in Germany, European Transport Conference Online, 9-11 September 2020
  • Chidambaram, B. (2020): Commuter Acceptance of TDM Measures in Hyderabad, India – A Post Experimental Focus Group Analysis- 6th Annual International Conference on Transportation, 1-4 June 2020, Athens, Greece
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2020): Pendeldistanzen in Paarhaushalten – die Bedeutung von ökonomischen Einflüssen, sozialen Rollen und Präferenzen; Dortmunder Konferenz 2020 Raum- und Planungsforschung der Fakultät Raumplanung, TU Dortmund, des Instituts für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung und der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hannover, Dortmund, 17.-18. Februar 2020
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2020): Analysing the effect of constraints and partner interaction on individual's work trip mode choice in Germany; Dortmunder Konferenz 2020 Raum- und Planungsforschung der Fakultät Raumplanung, TU Dortmund, des Instituts für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung und der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hannover, Dortmund, 17.-18. Februar 2020
  • Chidambaram, Bhuvanachithra / Scheiner, Joachim (2019): Work trip mode choice of men and women in Germany including partner interactions, “By Bike. By Car. By Bus—Women Commuting” - 6th International Conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation. Transportation Research Board, 10-13 September 2019. Irvine, CA, USA.

Final theses

Bachelor theses

  • Schmitz, Lisa. (2020): Exploration of the potential of E-Scooter rental services to overcome the 'first and/or last mile' problem in Dortmund, Germany (2020)

Master theses

  • Acevedo Morales, Ana Belen (2023): Behavioral choice compass on smart mobility in Hamburg" A look behind people's choices in the adoption of smart mobility solutions, implications for city planners and governance structures
  • Bothor, David (2022): The potential usefulness of travel time in Germany -exploring the determinants of travel satisfaction and mode choice
  • Lu, Shiyu. (2022): All the way to the west : The Be lt and Road Initiative and its Impacts , Reflections and Challenges on Duisburg from Spatial Planning Pe rspectives
  • Isaac Kwadwo, Omare. (2021): Impact of Smartphone Application Usage on Commuter Travel Behaviour in Accra, Ghana.
  • Isaiah, Olanrewaju Michael (2021): Effects of the restriction of Intermedia public transport on social groups and commuters'travel time in metropolitan Lagos.
  • Kallies, Lara (2021): ÖPNV-orientierte Siedlungsentwicklung in der Metropole Ruhr. Rahmenplan Bahnhof Suderwich

Dr Bhuvanachithra Chidambaram. Urban Development Group, Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University [Room 319, Fakultät Raumplanung, Fachgebiet Stadtentwicklung (STE), August-Schmidt-Straße 6, 44227 Dortmund, Germany]Office: (+49)2317554167 

Email: bhuvanachithra.chidambaramtu-dortmundde


Recent articles: 

Chidambaram, B., Scheiner, J. (2023). The gender dimensions of travel time use in Germany. Eur. Transp. Res. Rev. 15, 1.

Chidambaram, B. (2022). TRAWEL: A Transportation and Wellbeing Conceptual Framework for Broadening the Understanding of Quality of Life. In: Wac, K., Wulfovich, S. (eds) Quantifying Quality of Life. Health Informatics. Springer, Cham. 

Chidambaram, B., Scheiner, J. (2021). Leisure Quality among German Parents—Exploring Urbanity, Mobility, and Partner Interaction as Determinants. Sustainability 13, 5883. 

Chidambaram, B., Scheiner, J. (2021). Work-trip mode choice in Germany – Affected by individual constraints or by partner interaction? Travel Behaviour and Society 24, 231–244. 

Chidambaram, B., Scheiner, J. (2020). Understanding relative commuting within dual-earner couples in Germany. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 134, 113–129.

  • 2022 – present, Main Member- Standing Committee on Women and Gender in Transportation- AME20, Washington, D.C, USA
  • 2021-present, Member, Working group "Diversity Equity Inclusive", Women and Gender in Transportation, Transportation Research Board Standing Committee, Washington, D.C, USA
  • 2020-present, Member, Working group "Transportation Professionals" Association for European Transport, Henley in Arden
  • 2020-present Member, „“Mobiliver Community“ 
  • 2014-2016, Member "Resource Economics Experiment Research", HU Berlin