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Department of Spatial Planning

MoveMe – The socio-spatial transformation towards sustainable mobility behavior

MoveMe examines the interaction between space and mobility with the aim of identifying starting points and strategies for a socio-spatial transformation towards sustainable mobility in different types of space. A particular focus is on the currently visible dynamics of change in the “digitalization” of mobility. Three theses are in the foreground:

  1. For a transformation to sustainable mobility, spaces must be redesigned to give priority to walking, cycling, public transport and new digital-based offerings, which requires a social negotiation process.
  2. The opportunities offered by new digital offerings must be managed in planning so that they contribute to sustainable mobility in different types of spaces.
  3. In the medium to long term, spatial development is necessary that promotes the avoidance of motorized private transport.

In the Hanover region, highly dense inner city areas as well as suburban and rural areas are being comparatively examined. In three living spaces, the transport potential and possible spatial effects of selected key innovations in digital mobility (e.g. on-demand ride pooling, sharing of cars, bikes, scooters and small vehicles, autonomous shuttles) for the development of sustainable mobility structures are being examined, as well as the conditions for acceptance a redesign of spaces is researched and models and planning instruments are developed for a transformation to sustainable mobility.

Period:                                 July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2024

Funding provider:            Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Research Group for Social-Ecological Research (SÖF)

Project website: