Welcome to the Urban Development Group (STE)
Urbanization is a key factor of global change. In research and teaching, we are interested in the processes of urban and regional development, their demographic and socio-economic drivers as well as their spatial manifestations and impacts. This includes the complex and intertwined dynamics of land use, infrastructure systems and mobility. Our research projects also address the performance of transformative planning in local and urban-regional policy arenas. Prof. Dr Stefan Siedentop's (head of department) research focuses on the dynamics and structures of urban change, the strategies and instruments of transformative urban-regional planning and methods of urban spatial observation. Prof. Dr. Joachim Scheiner researches transport behaviour, everyday mobility, residential mobility and the interrelationships between spatial structure and transport.
Latest News
New publication on co-working spaces and sustainable mobility
As a PhD student in the MoveMe project, Nadezda Krasilnikova is investigating the potential of mobile work for sustainable mobility. In her new article in Cities, she discusses the role of municipalities in the mobility transition using the example of the implementation of co-working spaces in suburban and rural areas. Free download until the end of January 2024: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1iCV5y5jOr6Mj